the trifecta of residency has been completed. in the past few weeks i have received: a library card, health insurance, and an ADL (alaska driver's license). the last being the most trying and eventful- but the written test isn't such a crap shoot when your boss is the driving instructor and has all of the answers to every possible version of the test- however, some of the questions seem obsolete considering- we have one stop sign, no traffic lights, and no highway let alone on ramps and off ramps. the only hope of putting my knowledge to use is when the ice road starts rolling- hopefully i'll spot some ice road truckers. incidentally, the bethel dmv is one woman show- a woman- barely stands 5 feet tall and operates the entire operation in one room- with a blue tooth and a step stool so she can see over the counter. it's the most efficient dmv i've ever witnessed. although it was pretty bittersweet having to surrender my maryland license.
above is a picture of the gang (l-r: courtney, chelsea, kaela, bridget, myself, and krissy) at hangar lake- where bush pilots park their single and double prop planes. it was a great fall night- excellent for taking pictures.
I really hope you get to see ice road truckers. Please don't become one though.
I think I would pass on driving on the ice road and stick to the Maryland Snow flake and schools are closed!
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