Tuesday, December 4, 2007

quality vs. quantity

nancy noted that i dont update enough....what can i say, it's been a crazy month.

anecdote to satiate until i have more time to craft a well thought out post: last week, krissy was preparing to have a hunger banquet with the youth group and we were looking through her materials: fact sheets, pamphlets, including a picture of kids in some remote african surrounding being served food: beans, bread with peanut butter, and an apple. it continued to state how such meager food is a welcome respite for these kids that so often have nothing...this is the exchange betweenkrissy, bridget, and myself...
krissy: look at these kids.
bridget: wait- they're eating what we eat everyday.
me: yeah, but they have apples....

such is the life of a rural jv.
we are budgeted $70 per person, per month for food. sally, one of our support people noted that the standard per deim for someone that visits bethel is $50 per day because prices are so high. living s-i-m-p-l-y.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Santa will leave an apple in your stocking...Ho,,,ho..ho!