this month, october, my advisor group at school is in charge of "spirit days." we have spirit fridays to remind kids that they dont need drugs and alcohol to have fun- there are plenty of other ways to have a good time. our team picked today to be "hat day"- make a hat for extra points or simply wear your favorite one. my housemates have taken great interest in "spirit fridays" laughing as i walked through town in bright blue pants during "clown" day, scoured the rummage sale items to find something for "old timer" day and layered 2 pairs of leggings to wear my pink stripped pants for pajama day, and heard tales of getting whipped cream and chocolate fudge all over myself the messiest of them all- "sundae drop" in which you drop fudge covered marshmallows onto a student's whipped cream covered face- aiming for the mouth. needless to say, my team, which has named themselves "the leaders" (apple doesnt fall far from the tree) were the scoreboard leaders for september- earning themselves ice cream sundaes during lunch. the pressure is on to perform this month...i have no fear that "the leaders" will rise to the challenge. preparation for hat day got me thinking about the many hats i have worn in the past couple of months...
k300 hat i am sporting today during hat day, sorting all of our winter says "race official" on the side- i dont get more legit (adge-notice the jg wentworth shirt)...

pampering night with a mask we found in the cabinet-the walrus is not technically a hat...

when practicing your pizza dough throwing, a chef's hat is must...
if i didn't already miss you, the one in the mask with the walrus would do the trick!
miss ya ben
Oh my God - I love you so much! I was having the worst day ever, so I decided to take a look at your blog. Sure enough, I couldn't stop laughing. The hats, the face mask, the sign, the moose, the puppies, the bulldozer, I just could go on and on. Miss you, miss your spirit, miss your laugh.
Oh my God! I miss you so much. I was having the worst day ever, so I decided to go on your blog. Sure enough, I could not stop laughing. The hats, the face mask, the pizza dough, the puppy, the bulldozer, just everything. I miss you, I miss your laugh, I miss your spirit.
You must get your sense of style form your Mom!
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