what did you do on saturday night?
while i know of at least 3 weddings that i missed a few saturday nights ago, i was having the most fun of anyone, chaperoning a the youth group halloween dance with my housemates. krissy, youth minister extraordinare, worked with the teenagers to plan a dance to end all halloween dances with decorations from everyone's favorite, oriental trading. our jvc costume box yielded enough ridiculous clothing to create excellent costumes for everyone. krissy, rocked out as a tourist, complete with fanny pack and camera around her neck, kaela made an excellent pirate, and courtney rounded them all up as a cowgirl. the other half of our bethel family went the religious route, i was the devil, with costume provided by nancy s. jones, chelsea was my counterpart, as the wo(man) herself, God, and bridget caused quite a stir as eve. our friend, jesse, dj-ed, and matt regulated in the judge's robe he took from his boss at the courthouse. we may have had more fun than the kids- because,
obviously, teenagers are way too cool to rock out, but we enjoyed ourselves immensely. the most popular items of the night were the glow sticks- so much so that we eventually had to ration them- one per customer.