i finally got kaela to go in the boat with me
if you, like we do, pay attention attention to hard hitting news from ireland or vatican city- you would know that ireland petitioned the vatican to move the feast day of st. patrick to saturday, march 15th so the holiday would not occur during holy week. chelsea, who lived in ireland for a year told us that they also petitioned one year so st. patty's wouldnt be on good friday- because everyone wanted to eat corned beef.
chelsea & jesse preparing some of the food
i mean, who doesnt love corned beef? even our house of "selective meat eaters" and vegetarians aren't immune to the lure of a good piece of cured meat. and cured it was. about two weeks ago, kaela and jesse decided that wanted to make corned beef, from scratch, for st. patrick's day. they looked up a recipe- and wow- it takes 2 weeks to make corned beef. with a strict timeline they set out for two weeks of brine making, meat massaging, and crock pot preparing.
kaela under our house in one of our summer "adirondak" chairs made from pallets
robin geshcke, mary & matt gulling, and nanc and ken supplied us with some great green decorations and celtic jams and we were all set for a great celebration of our heritage- well 4 out of 6 of us were ready to celebrate our heritage. krissy maintained staunch support of her polish pride by reading the paper as we prepared rye bread, shepard's pie, and corned beef & cabbage.
my friend arrow, in the holiday spirit
when the day was done- it was declared a success. so much so, that i forgot to wear green on the actual st. patrick's day on monday and was pinched by teenagers all day.
chelsea had the best costume